Thursday, March 9, 2023

Parroom Station Martian marines



Classic Parroom Station figures finally done. These represent airship marines in service to one of the city states (at least in my universe) They are delicate looking figures compared to RAFM and some details that are hard to get to but they do look good to me!

These bring me to 73, 1889 style figures done for this year.


Monday, February 20, 2023

New additions


Hill Martians, 20 in all

Some Martian personalities
Canal Martian rockets


Venusian lizards in German service on Mars


Saturday, February 18, 2023

Spiders from Mars


 All figures are Parroom Station figures

Rouge Noir, the purple terror and his pets

Monday, January 23, 2023

The return of Parroom Station miniatures

It appears the long dead range has been resurrected. Ral Partha Legacy has announced that they will be selling these in the near future. At last I can fill in some gaps and increase my masked minion contingent. They have a PDF that shows new photos of pretty much everything that was ever produced. Thankfully I already have a lot of Bob Charrette's stuff, but it is good news for other VSF fans!

Sunday, January 15, 2023

French Cuirassier cavalry for Mars


 Nothing about these scream out VSF, but not everything needs to be funky! These are regular cavalry sent to strengthen the French holdings on Mars.



Monday, January 2, 2023

Two more French robots completed, at last



I think the new ones blend in pretty well with the old ones

So this completes my unit of 6 Mitraillette Infanterie Mecanique Extraodinaire (MIMEs) Don't box these guys in and don't worry about them marching against the wind, they have power to spare!

These are OOP figures by Parroom Station so this is it, no more.

I am once again participating in the AHPC which does motivate me to get things painted. I have some more troops ready to go including 2 more Chasseurs D'Afrique, 12 Cuirassiers and 12 Prussian lancers. 

On the back burner I still have a lot of primed Canal Martians that could be finished off too but I am not holding out to much hope for that this time around.