Friday, January 31, 2025

WIP Cloudships

 So, after more than a year without posting anything I have now suddenly made 3 posts in one day! 

This time up are some flyers that I am working on. These items are mostly built, though in some cases I have left them unfinished to make it easier to prime and paint. The ship pictured above does not need paint as it is a pre-coloured model. (but it will need some weathering) It is a small skiff that was clearly modeled after the Star Wars sand skiff, just a lot smaller. I actually have 4 of the Kenner sand skiff toys waiting to be converted to Martian and American air ships. 

The following ships all come from Blotz.


This will be a civilian craft that will be converted to military use. I plan to put up some improvised barriers made of wood, sand bags and whatever.

A Martian skiff, this one comes with plastic wings that I have decided to not attach. I plan to at very least add some sweeper guns on either side of the prow.

This is an assault craft with a front loading/disembarking ramp. I would consider it well armoured but it lacks hard points. Maybe some light machine guns can be mounted aft to provided some range attacks/defense, but it looks like they will not support a direct boarding action.

The tower is also from Blotz and may well make it to Mars too.

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