Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Dystopian Wars Prussian Empire vs Kingdom of Britannia (with Dominion of Canada troops)


 If only! Well this is showing off what could be someday, hopefully sooner than later. I have the bug and anything in reach just might wind up getting painted! So these 20 landing craft/support craft got done, possibly the least necessary items to be done, I mean how often does one do an amphibious landing scenario? Well now that these are done maybe a lot more... 

Sunday, July 11, 2021

and they are done, first finished VSF in to long a time!


 Ten man crew completed! These are North Star/Artizan figures and were a joy to paint. Dealing with the varnish incident was not fun (detailed on my painting blog) but that was not the fault of the figures. There are some details I left out, eyes being the big one, but some detail work like the straps for their goggles. Those I may add, but not the eyes, I do not do eyes!

Thursday, July 8, 2021

WIP finally trying to get back into painting.


 So, just working on these over the last day or so. The top figures are by Hinterland (OOP?) while the bottom, figures are by North Star. To be fair, I had started the women many months ago, and they have just been languishing on my painting table. They are nice figures, but with a tendency to have really unfortunate mold lines that defy my ability to remove.  

The North Star sailors are nice simple figures along the lines of Artizan figures, effective looking figures without excessive, and time consuming detail. So far I have applied the base colours on all of them, now I just need to do some layer work, and some washes.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Time to update some old Martian scenery


 So, I had cannibalized these parts from a GW temple of some sort, deciding to make a set of ruins out of some of them, while keeping one set more or less intact. The picture above show the first three stages of recovery.

The image on the left is the dull uninspired original version. The next shows the impact of a fresh, redder swath of colour across the exposed barren surface. The last shows the temple bits highlighted to make them stand out better. After this highlighting, I will add some red/yellow flock to punch up the vegetation, and will no doubt add in the odd shrub that I have converted to a Martian red from the terrestrial green.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Coming soon, but currently a WIP over on the painting and building blog


Completely out of the blue with no reason whatsoever, I have suddenly launched into working on this long delayed project. While sorting through my shelves, to consolidate what has been finished, and removing extraneous stuff I came upon the front end loader. Now this was not some great discovery, but rather an item that kept mocking me from its shelf. Well it is no longer mocking me!

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Skyrunners and cloudships

This years first major project will be to finish off these fine airships!

 I have a dozen of these poorly base coated models that I am hoping to save, and finish off this year, hopefully in February. Along with these scudders, I have one large cloudship that also needs to be completed.