Saturday, October 16, 2021

John Bull, coming soon


 Another lurking figure that needed to be worked on.


I picked this up at a yard sale a few years back thinking, what the hell this is just silly enough to be VSF! Pictured above is a mock up of possible weapon locations, this has changed as the project has progressed. It needed some patching work done on it, and there had been a bar that connected the two feet, and a few other things that needed to be done prior to painting. All that work was done a year ago!


 So that was the initial idea. I sprayed everything black, and started laying out the colours. I always liked the old Victorian steam engines and the bright colours that they were painted, so I went with bright green and red, with a darker green offsetting the brightness. For the body I figured a nice steel blue might work, while I have always visualized a Union Jack across the chest.

I was not happy with my original weapon choices and tried to figure out some other plan. Then I remembered/stumbled upon some extra unused weapon platforms for some big VSF beasties (next in line in the VSF cue) Well as I said, they were just sitting there on my overly messy gaming table, so I gave them a try, and I think they fit very well!

So I just added them the other day, so they remain primed in black for now.I just realized that I have not included a figure for scale, but I will do that once completed. The mechanical man stands 7" tall, 8" to the top of the smoke stack. 

Hopefully more on this soon!

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