Sunday, September 27, 2020

At long last I have one of these (actually 2 er, uhm make that 3 possibly 4) Okay, 5, but that's it, no more...


Almost like the holy grail, to me, I have been hoping to find one of these in a yard sale, or geek store. On a whim, I decided to search online again, finding some on Ebay. Shipping to Canada would be costly, and the asking price after conversion meant they would run $100 or more. 

Then I noticed the Amazon add in the corner, I had low expectations, but decided to check them out, what could be the harm. Well amazingly they had some, and with free shipping it came to $45.00 more or less. Some how I did not realize that these had been re-released last year, more fool me!

Monday, September 21, 2020

Some more, but not as old, Dystopian War pictures

I am looking to get inspired to work on this collection of miniatures. Last time I looked, I had every faction well covered, maybe not every miniature, but disturbingly close... My local brick and mortar did a 50% off deal (maybe even 60%) so I wound up getting a pretty good deal on a lot of this stuff. Not fooling myself, I did spend a ton of funds on these figures, but they appealed to me, as did/do the rules.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Blast from the past, first ever game of Dystopian Wars sometime around 2010-2011


Very primitive in every respect. Yes, newly carved coastline, but apparently quickly flocked, no foliage etc. The ships look to have received only a base colour, and oh my that green on the Prussian forces!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Micro flying ship games

Read through this rule set today, it had been a long time coming. One thing about this whole isolation thing, is that I have had the chance to read a lot of rules. Not having to prep for any specific game has meant that I can work on whichever project that I want to, and read any rules that I want to.

I was surprised by this rule set. I had anticipated, given it's size, a more detailed complex game. What I found was a straightforward fun game.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Plans for September

It will, hopefully be a month of conversions, and maybe I will see the completion of fortress walls.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Dystopian Wars a brief overview

                            For me, this was the game of grand scale Victorian Science run amok!